We are an amateur theatrical society based, rather unsurprisingly, in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire. We were formed in 1957.
We aim to put on three plays a year for the local community. We also run workshops and play readings for actors and directors to discuss concepts and ideas.
Most of our activities take place in the centre of Abbots Langley. Our main performances are in the Henderson Hall on the High Street.
Like a lot of other societies, we found Covid restrictions difficult, however in November 2021 our production of Last Tango/Panto in Little Grimley was very well received. In fact, all of our productions since have proved that amateur dramatics are still appreciated in the village!
Find out more about the history of the ALP by visiting our HISTORY PAGE.
We are run by a management committee which is elected every year at the Annual General Meeting. The committee’s job is to oversee the business of the society, to make its decisions each year, plan its future performances and organise events.
The current committee is:
Chair: Stuart Martin
Treasurer: Beverley Funnell
Secretary: Ann Bolitho-Jones
Committee Members: Valerie Gale, Jane Adams, Jean James
The committee’s activities are supported by play directors and production managers who are appointed for the casting, rehearsals, preparation, publicity and performance of plays.
In the future, we are looking to develop a more social aspect to the company, where we can meet regularly to chat about anything and everything and get to know each other better in the process.
If you’d like to find out more about us, email our secretary at bolithojones@msn.com.
We put on three productions a year, generally in the Henderson Hub. These usually take place in March, June/July and November.
Before we put on a play, we hold open auditions. These are open to any member of the public with a desire to act. While you don’t need to be a member to audition, if you are invited to take a part and accept, you will be expected to become a member. Membership costs from a modest £12 annually, payable in January every year.
Auditions are usually held around three months before the production and are advertised through email, text, the website and social media. Once the characters have been cast, we go in to rehearsals. There are usually two rehearsals a week on weekday evenings, although directors may sometimes slot in additional rehearsals as and when needed.
When we get to play week, it is important to have the best people backstage as well as on stage. Members who may not feel comfortable performing can get involved in building sets, arranging and organising props, costume, stage management, tea and coffee making and front of house activities. Without these members, we simply wouldn’t be able to put a play on.